Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh yeah

The other thing I should mention. Scribblenauts. If you have a DS, this is worth picking up. It's a puzzle game in which you try to get the main character (Max, if you need a name) to the star(ite). The hook is you type in what you want to use to get there. Piranha in the lake between you and the starite? Type in shark or bear and drop it in. One less piranha. Cat up a tree? Try an elevator. Or wings. Or a dog. Or catnip. You get the idea. The dictionary in this thing is huge (as are the pop culture and geek references - keyboard cat, the large hadron collider, Cthulhu and lots of others say hi) so if you can think of it, chances are you can use it. The best part is the title screen acts as a drawing board where you can try out whatever you want. See how things interact: pit zombies against vampires (stronger than zombies, but scared of garlic and the sun will kill them, not make them sparkle), Cthulhu against a Shoggoth and so on. Honestly this may be the first game where the title screen is better than the game. The controls are certainly a bit wonky but the chance to stretch your brain more than makes up for it. So yeah, Scribblenauts. It's awesome. (And make sure you have a kid around when you play some times. It's totally worth seeing how what they come up with works too.)

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