Thursday, September 24, 2009

And a week's gone by

No snappy title for you this week. Too tired to think of one. There has been a distinct lack of sleep in my life lately. Not as bad as some of my insomnia bouts, but things are definitely a little on the fuzzy side.

So I finished The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. Honestly you don't need me to review it. You already know it's bad. Readable, but bad. Plot holes, bad characters, too much lecturing, out there science that's real darnit, yadda yadda. If you've read any of his stuff you know the drill. If you haven't, don't read this one. Read Deception Point instead. I still seem to remember thinking that one was good. It posits a relatively interesting question and then pretty much fails to deliver anything worthwhile. So yeah. Umptymillion readers are wrong. Or gullible. I fall into the taking one for the team category natch.

Also finished The Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer. It was alright. Relatively decent little political thriller. Unfortunately I was listening to the audiobook version and several of the cds were scratched to no end. So there are some strange gaps in my knowledge of the story. Especially near the end. Annoying. The one down side to audiobooks from the Library. May try his next one The Book of Lies. We'll see. The end was a little off, but I suspect it's because he's hoping for a movie deal.

Up next are Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman (book he wrote for charity in the UK that just came out over here), Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (sequel to The Hunger Games) and I'm still in the midst of The Magicians.

Season opener of House was fun. Will be interesting to see the new nicer House. Season finale of Eureka was good if frustrating. I liked Tess, am annoyed they're potentially writing her off. Not the biggest Carter/Allison fan. Meh. And last week's Bollywood inspired episode of Psych went a long way to redeeming an otherwise forgettable season.

So enough rambling commentary on ways to pass your time. If I were more awake I'd throw in a last line, or a game my wife hates, but I suspect that's better saved for next time. Or whenever I get back to this thing.

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