As you can see pictured here, we did indeed hike up to Timp Caves while family was in town. It was a pleasant enough trek (and apparently exercise is good for something as I was only vaguely sore the next couple days) that did afford some decent photos. You can see a couple more from the trail over at the flickr site.
So family was in town and that was nice. Everybody got along and a good time was had by all. I introduced Dad and youngest sis to Dominion. McK was insistent that she teach Dad how to play. She needs to work on buying point cards. Lovely wife's Dad took G to see Ponyo. I would have liked to have seen it as well. We all went out for ice cream at Maggie Moo's. (Twice! Once for each Grandpa) And the sprinkler system got fixed. That job went shockingly well.
And we got some yummy pulled pork from The Smoking Apple. Yummy enough that it deserves its own paragraph. Yes folks, it's that good.
McK featured in her own version of a favorite niece story. While Dad was here he took us over to Costco to wander around. He offered to make us some Parmesan Tilapia for dinner so we picked up some fillets along with a few other things. It came out nicely and was quite good. McK, known for her extremely narrow diet, refused to have fish for dinner. (Everyone else ate theirs, G eating an entire fillet by himself) We told her she had to try it. Shockingly we actually got her to. At which point she decided we were teasing her and we really had Parmesan chicken, not fish. She refused to acknowledge Tilapia as a type of fish, because fish can't taste good on general principles or something. So there you go, Tilapia - the new chicken of the sea.
Finished The Fall of Cthulhu: Godwar last night. I really, really enjoy this series. I don't have anything terribly illuminating to say about it other than it's a darn good Lovecraftian horror tale. Worth reading if you like Lovecraft.
Race to Witch Mountain was fun. I like Dwayne Johnson - I find him funny. We're a couple episodes into the second series of Hamish Macbeth and it's still good. There are a few things waiting in the wings.
Oh that Misplaced Effigy book showed up at the Library today. It doesn't go out until next week. But it's here. Mwa ha ha ha.
There really should be a few other things to cover, it's been a pretty momentous week, but I think that's really all that's worth mentioning. Poor McK has come down with walking pneumonia, and I've got a head cold I'd love to get rid of. The one downside to being around people that have been on planes and in other parts of the country, accursed foreign germs. Hopefully family didn't come down with things too.
1 comment:
Glad everyone got together. Sorry we missed out on the fun.
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