I've read the next couple books in the Fall of Cthulhu series recently. Either they're not quite as trippy as the first one was or I've managed to complete the descent into madness required to be comfortable with good ol' Lovecraft's playground. I'll not comment on which scenario is more likely. At any rate, I enjoyed both The Gathering and The Gray Man. It's fun to see people playing in the sandbox Lovecraft started all those years ago. The Cthulhu Mythos is probably one of my favorites second only to some of the Norse myths. I really need to track down a good collection of Lovecraft Cthulhu stories. At any rate, I don't know that I'd recommend this series as a place to start with The Elder Gods and their dealings with us mere mortals, but if you've walked the Dreamlands before, you'll probably get a kick out of another trip.
We've been watching the second season of Psych on DVD over the last couple weeks. I really like that show. And season three is just as fun. I caught one episode of The Mentalist the other week but tend to forget it's on. Fortunately it's not really just a serious version of Psych so it has it's own little charm. And hey, Burn Notice is back as well. All our old friends are back telling new tales.
I've run across a couple websites that deal with world building lately. I suspect that would be a fun, if difficult, pastime. Some of them are D&D based and offer wiki type services and some of them are just guidelines and suggestions. I think it would be interesting to start small with a little town and then look at the world it's a part of. I'm not sure if it's easier to start on the macro or micro level.
G is completely obsessed with Super Smash Brothers Brawl on the Wii. We recently unlocked the Wind Waker version of link and he insists on fighting as little Link. Against me, not against bad guys, because he can't be little Link when we fight bad guys. (He refers to the adventure mode as fighting bad guys) It's amusing if constant.
We have recently gotten a few different items from the local bakery. They are all far too delicious and far too bad for us. But tasty, very tasty. Mousse like icing and cream cheese frosting and, well, you get the idea.
Yeah, I think that about sums it up.
G is great. The food sounds fantastic.
Yeah, he's a pretty constant source of amusement.
It's a good thing the bakery is so expensive, otherwise we'd eat there far too often and I don't even want to think about what that would do to me.
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