Finished Soon I will be Invincible and it was great. Fun superhero story that hits all the right notes. It touches on most of the clichés found in superhero stories and tweaks them just enough that it's a fresh read. Plus it leaves you wanting to know what happens next time. It is a little frustrating in that it's so much easier to make compelling villains. You always find yourself rooting for the bad guy that never wins. There are a couple decent good guys in the story, but it also touches on just how boring they can be or how they're really not that different from the bad guys. That's actually one of the more fascinating aspects to superhero stories - how the heroes and villains are really two sides of the same coin and all it really takes is a shift in lighting to make them switch sides.
Also finished Only Revolutions (Only Revolutions? Only Revolutions? Maybe Only Revolutions? Ok enough Danielewski nods for now.) The fact that I finished it about a week or so ago and haven't said anything is its own sort of commentary. Whether it's about my blogging or the story I leave to you. It was certainly interesting. And it grew on me, but it was no House of Leaves. I did find it a truly mindbending piece of fiction. Danielewski is either brilliant or someone with far too much time on their hands. Quite possibly both. Rest assured you don't really need to check this one out.
I'm looking forward to Neil Gaiman's new one, The Graveyard Book. Soon...
Well, must go, kids are clamoring to go play Rock Band at the neighbors. I will not comment on where I fit in that spectrum.
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