Monday, October 17, 2005


So, how about that last week? Pretty sporadic posting and certainly not much worth reading. And guess what, the future looks pretty similar. Poor unfortunate readers. You'll live.

There really isn't much to pass along. I don't recall sampling any new forms of entertainment over the weekend. Will probably drag my poor wife to see The Fog at some point in the next few days. In spite of the fact that they released it without screening it for the press. Sure sign of a dud, but the special place the original holds in my heart will drag me there anyway.

At any rate, don't expect to hear too much from me. Ran across a really good collection of Philip K. Dick short stories and it should really be the next book on my list, but I didn't quite finish it before I needed to get it back to the library, so it may make a slightly later appearance. And there is the possibility of photos in a not too distant future post. If that doesn't scare you away from here, I'm not sure what will...

Oh, if you can track it down, apparently Pullman (His Dark Materials) is really ranting about the upcoming Narnia flick. I wasn't too impressed with Pullman's work, but I can't say as I've read all of the Narnia stuff either. But I've certainly read Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe and I think the movie looks fantastic. So, it's not a stretch to guess who I'm backing in that argument...

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