Terry Pratchett's Thud! comes in at number 39. I've read several of the Discworld novels and tend to enjoy the Watch novels a little more than the others, so this one was right up my alley. All the Sam Vimes, Captain Carrot goodness you could want. I think Pratchett's earlier work tends to be a little funnier, but the newer stuff is arguably better. Or it could simply be that I'm not remembering the corresponding social woes he's satirizing. I'm just glad there's an appearance by everyone's favorite bloody stupid architect.* If you like Pratchett, this book is a no-brainer. If you've yet to read his work, I don't know that I'd recommend starting here, but it's probably not too awful a leap. Pick up a couple of the earlier Discworld novels and then give it a go. (Remembering to grab a couple that deal with the Ankh-Morpork Watch of course...)
Adam Sandler's remake of The Longest Yard was funny. And a decent way to kill a couple hours. High cinema? Of course not. But certainly passable entertainment.
The Eye 2 by the Pang Brothers is an odd little film. It's a sequel really only in name and partially in spirit. (Pun firmly intended.) It's not quite as horrific as the first movie, but it's an intriguing plot. My wife warns that it's not for those who are currently pregnant. Or about to be, or just recently were. In fact if Graeme weren't about a year old, I'd probably be getting the evil Eye for suggesting that we watch it. There are a couple decent jump moments, but like the first movie it's more of a quiet film that unnerves rather than one that goes for the jugular.
And that's pretty much a summation of a weekend well spent. Some random acts of cleaning were accomplished and we're getting ready to gear up for a vacation. So things may get pretty sporadic here for a while. I'm sure you're all crushed.
Oh and if you haven't gone to see Serenity, shame on you.
*Bloody Stupid Johnson of course. I suspect he had a hand in the creation of several miles of freeway in Texas and Utah...
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