Friday, April 22, 2005

Do the Hustle

Yeah, yeah, terribly unoriginal title considering I'm going to talk about Kung Fu Hustle. Deal with it. Funniest movie I've seen in a long time. It's been a while since I've laughed that hard. Do yourself a favor and go see it. Now. And then go see it again. Stephen Chow has come a long way since Shaolin Soccer. I enjoyed Shaolin Soccer, but this movie is on a completely different level. It manages to be both a Kung Fu movie and a parody of Kung Fu movies. Toad Fu! Hand Ax dance number! It's like watching a live action Kung Fu cartoon. And there are several sly pokes at popular American movies. Just go see it. I'll have to come back and actually talk about the movie once it's been out a little longer so I don't feel like I'm spoiling it.

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