Yeah, more Brust. Phoenix and Athyra to be exact. Three more by him and I'll be done. Phoenix picked up where Teckla left off and Cawti and Vlad split. Athyra was interesting in that it was from the point of view of a young boy, so you got to see Vlad from the outside. Plus it featured Brust's take on Plato's Allegory of the Cave. I'm still finding the series interesting to read, so that's something. Other than that it's a bit difficult to come up with something. Possibly because I'm reading them all so close together. shrug...
While the critics are panning it, several people I know have seen Sahara and enjoyed it. I find that perplexing. Actually, if I'm honest I'd probably enjoy it myself once I get over the casting decisions. One of my friends claimed it was similar in some ways to The Mummy and that was a fun movie. So who knows.
If you follow movie news, chances are you've heard about the less than flattering review (warning that link is super spoilerific) of Hitchhiker's. I'm not putting a whole lot of stock in it at the moment. One, the internet is famous for being less than kind. And two, the person doing the reviewing might be a little too close to the original source to be terribly unbiased. Although some of the dialogue choices he reported are a little silly. We shall see...
And that's Monday for you.
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