Wednesday, December 08, 2010


So littlest sis arrived in town the other night and has coerced lovely wife into repainting some of our house. Currently the basement is several new shades and I think they're tackling the living room as well. I shall attempt some pictures at some point. Possibly. Overall things look nice. (Although that bathroom is still seriously blue...) So thanks littlest sis for the help and a new look on things. (Oh and for the record Dixit does seem to be quite fun...)

Not really too much else to report. Pacman CE DX is a serious time suck. Can not stop playing. Second season of Mentalist is way good. But you knew that already didn't you?

I'll just leave this here, shall I?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

can't wait to see the pics of the "new rooms". i bet they look great. pacman is always fun. hugs to y'all.