Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some say fire, some say ice, I say zombies

Finished the audio book version of World War Z by Max Brooks. It was fun to listen too. It's a pretty well thought out book. Max has done some serious zombie research. Being as Fall is once again creeping into our lives, I may need to do some research of my own. Time for some horror movies. If you've not read World War Z it's your basic zombies show up, the world doesn't come to grips very well, but ultimately humans manage to eke out some semblance of survival type story. It's worth reading/listening to. The book has a little more material, but the audio book is very well done. Although parts of it are a touch hard to hear/understand in the car.

I finished up Jim Butcher's Fool Moon (Dresden Files book 2) as well. I'm not sure what to think about this series. Because it's such a noir genre piece the stories themselves are pretty formulaic. So either you like the details of the stories enough to keep reading or you move on. I'm not sure I can keep reading the same story over and over, no matter how fun the package. This one had werewolves. And shapeshifters. And a loup garou. (And hexenwolfen) So obviously Butcher's put in the effort and is playing around some. And it's fine I guess. I'm just not sure I'll stick with the series. Too bad the tv show is over...

Crown of Shadows, the third Locke and Key graphic novel continues to pick at the mysteries surrounding Key House and its occupants. It's grim and heart wrenching and lots of other fun things. That Joe Hill, he's definitely a story teller to keep an eye on.

Was reading a couple things about writing earlier. Writing is one of those things that occasionally fascinates me. I certainly don't have the temperament to be a writer, but I occasionally wish I had the drive to get a few creative things out there. I suppose that's why I tend to keep this silly thing going. While certainly not a bastion of critical or creative thought, it at least gives me a chance to get a few words strung together. And every once in a while I even appreciate them.

For the last couple years, Fall (and especially October/Halloween) has triggered the desire to try and set down my own zombie story. So, you may get pieces of that this next month if I can be bothered to actually attempt it. I've mentioned it before (and actually tried starting it once) and that obviously worked out so you're probably safe, but just in case consider yourselves warned.

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