Thursday, September 09, 2010

In which there is no new thing under the sun

Apparently I'm in revisit old territory mode. I'm still making my way through House of Leaves (rather slowly - it's a pretty dense book, to say nothing of the ... twists and turns it takes, heh) and probably will be for some time. I'm also listening to the audiobook version of World War Z. I'd heard it was well done and wanted to give it a shot. It is well done (although the accents can be a little hard to follow on occasion). Too bad it's not the complete book. (Again, from what I've heard, I may or may not notice the missing bits.)

I did start up the second Dresden Files book, Fool Moon. It seems fine so far.

Got in a little gaming and some bbq during the holiday courtesy of letter 'r and family. That was fun. I managed a win at Ubongo while 'v' left us all in the dust in Dice Town. 'r' regained a little honor in a fun round of Say Anything. Although lovely wife had the best and most outrageous answer of the evening.

Other than that we're pretty content to just let Fall woo us with decent temperatures and quiet days. Not too shabby.

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