Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trains, tomes, half breeds

Yeah, that title really doesn't have anything to do with anything. Mostly.

So littlest sis was in town and fun was had. Got to introduce her to the joys that are Jungle Speed and Coloretto. We rode the Heber Creeper and G got to pretend to be the Conductor - got the hat and watch and everything. A picture might be forthcoming. It was a very nice day for the train ride. And that train is warm, left the window open pretty much the whole time. It's also very squeaky.

The Library has recently acquired a few books in what I assume is a new-ish series for the young adult/juvenile crowd. It's called Vampirates. I can only hope their enemies are Ninjombies (Zombinjas?). It's my current new favorite thing. I doubt I'll read them, but the fact that there are Vampirates out there at all is heartwarming.

I am contemplating netbooks. I doubt I'll go so far as to purchase one, but they currently fascinate me.

This weekend will be spent in the time honored tradition of male bonding. Zombies will be shot, movies will be watched (thus far a horror flick and a kung fu western) and food will be consumed (pork loin mmmmmm). I predict a good weekend.

We will now have a moment of silence for poor wife who will have to endure girl time with the daughters. And yet somehow entertain the male child.

I think that's enough.

I've also been thinking about acquiring a portable hard disk type device. Really need to start backing up some of the files on our computer. There's a deal on now for a terabyte drive for $100 shipped. I will probably let this particular one go, but may look into something similar soon.

Short stories in the Cthulhu universe still continue to entertain. As does Gene Wolfe's newest. I think the next thing on the horizon is Drood.

We caught the most recent episode of Reaper. It was amusing. I actually still like that show. Who knew? It's a free Starz weekend, so I shall have to tape some movies. I'm not convinced anything super great is on, but we shall see.

And I think that's enough poking around my random psyche for now. Away with the lot of you.


Rachel said...

Glad ya had fun with Jen. Why the male bonding weekend and Heather with kids? Are you going somewhere? the vampirates sounds fun...have to let Kait know.

d said...

'r' and I are hanging out this weekend.