Sunday, November 30, 2008

Insert Post Title #42

Been a while. Kept meaning to jot some things down closer to Thanksgiving and just ended up ... not. Thanksgiving itself went fine. Food was good. Company was fine. Gratitude was expressed.

It was the first year in quite a few that I didn't have the whole week off. It will probably be another couple before I can attempt to do it again. Silly new job and resetting my vacation time... Oh well. Friday was pretty quiet, so that was nice.

Listened to a couple 5 Browns CDs to see what all the fuss over at sisters' blogs was about. Nice piano music. They're probably more fun to see live. It's ok to listen to, but mostly it's just nice piano music.

Read through the Old Boy graphic novels. Mostly as I'd heard Spielberg was going to do the movie based more on them as opposed to the extremely trippy and US unfriendly Korean film. The graphic novels were decent and certainly less disturbing than the film, so that's something I guess.

Snagged a couple DS games for my birthday (thanks Dad). They've been pretty fun so far. Avoided Black Friday due to working and real lack of anything worth fighting for. Although a couple of the HDTV's sounded nice. Sounds like Dad and Jen had a decent showing.

Other than that, not too much earth shattering stuff to comment on. Star Wars themed Robot Chicken episodes were hilarious.


Rachel said...

Quiet Thanksgiving here too but did finish up Christmas. Actually we need 2 more things but mostly done. Kaijsa even wrapped everything. Yes the stinker looked through my closet, i know not best spot but worked before, and found all her gifts so I made her wrap them too. :) Can't wait for Christmas to have everyone around. Just too quiet w/out us all together. Happy b-day late!

d said...

I think we're close on Christmas. That's funny about Kaijsa. I suppose the kids have looked some. It will be nice to have some time off.

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