Read The Killing Joke the other day. Batman/Joker story written by Alan Moore (he of Watchmen - go catch the trailer - and V is for Vendetta fame (and a lot more)). It was pretty good. I've heard The Dark Knight takes some elements from it with regards to the Joker and his flexible origin.
Seems like I've read something else, but I forget what. Mostly we've been watching Keen Eddie. Truly a funny show. I'm so shocked that Fox killed it off. I mean, anything that requires a working thought process and an attention span is obviously too good for TV... Well Fox's viewership for sure. I would start to list everything they've killed that fits the bill, but it would take forever and be depressing. At least they're currently showing Bones and House.
So. Since the kids don't read this. At least I don't think they do, I can tell the Tooth Fairy story. We are the worst when it comes to letting the Tooth Fairy know she needs to visit. Middle child lost a tooth on Sunday and put it under her pillow and was excited. Monday morning comes and tooth still there, no money no nothing. M was understandably upset and voiced said upsetness to lovely (and forgetful) wife. McK managed to save the day when she explained that it was Sunday and nobody works on the Sabbath, so obviously Tooth Fairy would visit Monday night. And she did. <sigh> It sounds like she's pulled another tooth and we will need to remind the Tooth Fairy to visit again tonight...
Speaking of the Tooth Fairy, saw Hellboy 2 with the letter 'r' the other night. It was good. Not great, but good. Mostly it made me look forward to the Hobbit movie as del Toro is directing that as well. His fantasy creatures/settings are amazing. (See Pan's Labyrinth and, well, Hellboy 2 for examples.) So, while visually entertaining, Hellboy 2 really could have used a slightly better plot. There were a handful of nods to mythology that are Hellboy trademarks, but the overall story was only ok. Good in pieces, not great as a whole. But the Forest God/jumping bean was pretty amazing.
At any rate, lovely wife has tried to grill some brats. Must go see how they turned out. Because they're brats. They're yummy. They better be. They better be...
NICE!! Poor kids need to have fun presents from the tooth fairy. Although I think your kids seem to lose them a lot faster than I remember losing mine!
Got some games we will play for when I come out? see you soon!
Do we have games?! Of course we have games. Although Dad only sort of liked Ticket to Ride the Card Game. But, yeah I'm sure we can find something to fight over, err, play.
They pull their own teeth. McK has taught M to pull her own teeth. Freaks. They're my wife's kids...
Well written article.
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