Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stealthy crochet ninja is stealthy

stealthy crochet ninja
stealthy crochet ninja,
originally uploaded by dkun.
So, ran across the book Creepy, Cute Crochet while at the Library a few weeks ago. Had to check it out for the crochet Cthulhu. As the crocheted Elder God was a step up in difficulty that my talented wife wasn't quite ready to tackle (and she didn't want to lose her sanity by offending said Elder God with a less than perfect rendition) she opted to start with the adorable little fellow hiding in the foliage here. Just don't let him hear you call him adorable. Ninja dude. He'll mess you up. He's got a throwing star and everything.

So, of course, everyone in the family wanted one. The soon to be Crochet Dojo of Death now has two students, but there will be more. Oh yes, there will be more. Mwa ha ha ha ha. Run for your lives puny mortals, for after the ninja, there will be zombies. And then Cthulhu himself will rise from the abyss and devour your souls with his cute, yet nefarious plots. And photos.


Rachel said...

I think all of us should do homemade presents for christmas this year. do you think that would be cheaper or not? just a thought, a pioneer type christmas in AZ. haha.

Rachel said...

the ninja's are awesome! Way to go! i also love the christmas photo, priceless.

d said...

I thought about it some. I want to learn to make a couple of the crochet critters in the book. I've no idea if it's cheaper. Depending on what's made. I'd suspect so...