If you're seeing this on Saturday, July 19th then you can still check out Dr. Horrible for free - Joss Whedon's Evil Mad Scientist musical. It's as good as it sounds. And funny too. I was unaware that Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion could sing. My wife claims to have known about Neil. I'm not quite sure I believe her, but she does pay a little more attention to these types of things than I do.
There have certainly been plenty of links to this running around. I almost didn't check it out because it was the "new big thing". I'm glad I caved, it was fun to watch. And since I waited till last night, we managed to watch all three acts right in a row. There are times that being lazy and indifferent work.
So E3 was this week. Everyone's pretty upset at Nintendo and their lack of anything that looks interesting. They're definitely catering to the new gamer crowd that they've created with the Wii. I will admit that the new Wii Sports title sounds interesting. And maybe Animal Crossing. I don't know that I care about the rest. Wii Music sounds a little too simple. I suspect the kids would love it, but I like there to be game in my music game. The one I really want is Fatal Frame 4. The first one scared the crap out of me. I'd like another scary game. Those are a blast.
Reading The Omnivore's Dilemma on K's recommendation. Boy is the food industry screwed up in this country. But I still love me a cheeseburger. Mmmm cheeseburger.
It's Carnival time here. Kids are pretty excited about that. Apparently our oldest actually rode the little ring "roller coaster" that takes you upside down. I'd have liked to see that. I'm sure she'll ride again today, so we'll see how terrified she is, but since it's old hat now, probably not as scared as she should be. ^_^
And our middle child has just about picked up all the intricacies of riding a bike. It's been a busy summer here. So many little milestones and so on.
Wow, lots going on! I would have loved to see Mac ride the coaster too. Did you get pics? I'll check the other site. Riding a bike. I remember those days. Remember when I just learned and I had to go get you from the church and I crashed hard core? Oh the good ole days. :) Give all my hugs...
Busy summer indeed! Carnival time sure is fun.
I'm hosting Fun Monday on my blog on 7/28... come check out what the topic is...
Unfortunately, lovely wife did not have the camera with her when McK actually rode the ride. (For that matter she forgot it on Saturday as well, hee hee.) Apparently there were funny faces involved, but no photographic proof. I'd really liked to have seen her ride it on Saturday, but there wasn't anyone else there riding and you couldn't go by yourself on that one.
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