Finally got a chance to take in Paranormal Activity 2. I really liked it. I enjoy these movies quite a bit actually. I find movies that are more on the psychological side to be spookier than their slasher counterparts (although they can certainly be fun). Lovely wife continued to be freaked out by this series. So that's a plus as well. I found the way that the sequel intertwined with the first movie intriguing. And of course the next morning I left all the cabinet doors and drawers in the kitchen open as a nice wake me up for lovely wife. Alas, McK was the first one downstairs and ruined the joke. At least she called everyone down to see my handiwork. M seemed to think someone had broken in and rifled through the kitchen. I'm unsure why her brain is wired that way...
I'm getting very close to the end of Uncharted 2. It's definitely worth playing. This series could do with a touch less shooting and a touch more exploration, but other than that it's just about perfect. So fun.
Courtesy of a kind father in law, I now have my signed copies of Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear. I'm currently about half way through the latter and enjoying it immensely. I'm a little worried it's going to be sad, but it's an absolutely brilliant book.
Got in another game of Mansions of Madness. This time I managed to crush those poor investigators and left poor McK without a brain as my Mi-Go took it and left for outer space. Mwa ha ha ha ha. We played another scenario and it was interesting to see the differences in them. The first one was more like a chase sequence in which the monsters showed up early and harassed the investigators while they searched for clues. This time it was more of a slow burn as the investigators tried to unearth what was happening at a school before everything erupted in a sudden burst of monsters and gray matter. Good times. Also I highly recommend Plano tackle boxes as a storage solution for games with lots of bits. They're brilliant.
We've just started watching the BBC version of Being Human. It started off a little oddly, but we'll see where it goes.
I should probably talk a little more about Heavy Rain, but I think I'll save it for another time. Other than that things are just far too hectic at casa del 'd'. We've gotten a bit of a glimpse of the next few years as the girls get old enough to have after school activities and so on. It's not terribly pleasant. Far too much running around for lovely wife. That coupled with the various reasons that we're out of the house and I suspect we'll start to wonder who these people in the house with us are. If I start referring to lovely wife as lovely stranger send help.
1 comment:
I too liked Paranormal Activity 2 and how they tied it all into the first one. Well done. Funny about the cabinets.
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