We had nice visits with lovely wife's Mom and Dad over this past week. Her Mom, unfortunately, got to spend most of the time working on a costume for M for Mulan. But the costume was completed, so yay I guess? M certainly seems to think so. We also had a fun dinner at Teppanyaki during her stay. We got to see some new hibachi chef routines as well as a magic trick. Mostly due to the family we were seated with, but a show is a show.
G dragged Grandpa over to Cabelas and convinced him to let him play the shooting gallery game. I took advantage of the leftover tokens and had a go myself. It was fun. G needs to work on his aim. ^_^ Kids were glad to see family as were lovely wife and I and now we get to try and calm them down from all the excitement.
Also, congratulations go to nephew L on his Baptism.
We finished off season one of Community. It was great. The paintball episode was indeed amazing (a 28 Days Later reference in addition to some John Woo and a couple others). This may become the 2nd show that I actually bother to watch while it's broadcasting.
I have had my first tooth filled. It theoretically wasn't a cavity - just a small hole on the biting surface of my tooth. But once they drilled in they discovered it went all the way down my tooth. Still a very small hole, just very deep. It wasn't the most pleasant of experiences. I'm trying to decide if it's not completely better. I get a bit of an ache when I eat crunchy things like chips or cereal. Is that normal a week later?
Mansions of Madness is out. And I have my copy. I am very much looking forward to playing it. Puzzles, monsters, loss of sanity, stories full of dread and intrigue... what's not to love? I'm going to try and convince lovely wife and possibly McK to give it a go some time this weekend so we can get some of the rules down.
I'm ready for a bit of quiet. And a nap...
hmmn not sure. But I now have a sensitive tooth from where my small cavity was filled. Not happy about it but I guess it is fine.
Glad you had fun with the family. I started reading Interview with a Vampire. Have you read it?
You'll have to let me know if you actually finish that. I started it back in HS. Never finished it. Don't think it's your sort of book, but maybe you'll like it. There is no sparkling... ^_^
they won't get better, the teeth. I don't think I had cavities technically either, cracks or something they said but since they messed with them they bother me more now than they ever did. Glad time with family was fun. fun skypeing with you.
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