Thursday, May 06, 2010

The post of the beast

Blogger tells me that this is my 666th post. In keeping with this nefarious theme I will regale you with tales of a dog movie. Dogs. Bleh. Evil creatures. Well, ok not really so much evil as dumb. Which if you believe Spaceballs actually makes them good, because Good is Dumb per Dark Helmet.


We recently watched Hachi: A Dog's Tale and it was quite good, if quite sad. It's a re-locating of a famous Japanese story about Hachiko, the faithful Akita dog. The quick version goes like this: professor has dog. Dog loves professor. Dog waits for professor to come home at train station every day. Professor dies of heart attack one day while at work. Dog proceeds to wait 10 years for professor to come home until it passes away due to old age. Town builds statue to memorialize dog and as symbol of love and loyalty.

The movie hits pretty much all of those points in a nice fashion. This is a quiet, simple movie and in some ways is all the more heart-breaking for it. And I'd really like to know how they trained the dogs to walk so pathetically at the end of the movie. There are a couple shots where you can just feel how old the dog is by that point. So if you need a good cry or like dogs or whatever I can recommend Hachi.

I also finished reading Haze by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. I don't really have much to say about it except that it's a relatively solid sci-fi piece. Not amazing, but not bad either.

And I think that will pretty much wrap things up. We have learned a valuable lesson when it comes to planting our garden. (Wait till after Mother's Day or you'll have to buy more plants and start again) And one of the kids seems to think there's a birthday coming up. Strange.

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