Thursday, December 10, 2009

In which I seek my fortune

And so another week has passed. We are in the relative calm that is the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I say relative calm as shopping occasionally happens and that can be terribly exciting. Although we're pretty much done I believe, so not so much on the excitement front.

We did watch Azumi, an alright Japanese flick about a female assassin set back in historical Japan after the battle of Sekigahara. They were still trying to unite Japan under a Shogun and so on. Messy time. Somewhat messy movie. Fights were alright. I'm pretty sure it was based on a manga series, so there's some of that sensibility to it.

I'm currently reading a rather fascinating time travel story called Replay. You'll get more on it as I finish it. Suffice to say I'm enjoying it quite a bit, although it's on the depressing side.

See? Not much worth rambling on about. G has learned to whistle. Well one tone anyway. So he's attempting to drive lovely wife insane with his new found skill. Girls are ... well ... actually not up to much. I suspect we're all marking time until Christmas. Which is in two weeks. How did that happen?

Oh, hey, you know what time it is? Last Line time, that's what time it is. This week comes courtesy of Andrew Pepper and The Revenge of Captain Paine. "Pyke had done what he had done, and while those actions may have led to the death of his wife, fortune too, had played its hand, and fortune, as it always did with men who took risks and imposed themselves on the world, would shine on him again." You too can take risks, go up against fortune, kill your wife and expect good things to come of it. I'm glad we have these books. Truly nature may be red in tooth and claw, but nothing is vicious like a good fortune seeking, wife sort of lamenting, reversals of fortune waiting in the wings-ing, ne'er do well. Huzzah! In case lovely wife is reading this, honey, you totally don't mind if I bet your life so that fortune may shine upon us me right?

That was nice. I really needed something to give this post a little purpose. Littlest sis needs to regale us with more massage therapy class stories.

So, off with you lot for another week or so.

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