Tuesday, August 24, 2004

First Post!

Sorry, /. flashback there for a moment.

I suspect the only way I was able to actually convince myself to finally get around to starting a blog can best be summed up by the following - no sleep since 2:30 this morning. Throw in a pinch of family trauma and the desire to see how this thing goes and Voila! New blog.

But it is nice to have my own little corner of the internet again. I've missed that. And I really need to get in the habit of jotting down random thoughts.

So, my wife is currently experiencing the joys of prescription pain killers due to kidney stones (during our 3rd pregnancy no less - it's good to know that my future son will be as screwed up as I am...) and I am experiencing the joys of a nice fleece blanket. The Olympics are being conveniently ignored in the background and I'm typing away pretty stream of consciousness-es, er, etic. Hmm. Brain tells fingers to hit keys. Yup, that'll do.

At any rate. I just wanted to take a moment to stake out some space. I have no idea what will end up here. But it will most likely remind anybody that stumbles here (poor souls all of you!) of every other blog they've seen.

So, in order to at least generate some actual cliche content I present the Haiku o' the Day. In order to immediately blow a tradition tomorrow when I fail to post another.

Night's blanket is pierced
by the angry light of pain.
Hush my love, I'm here.

And now for something of interest.


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