Brian Keene's The Rising gets points for a clever twist on what a zombie is and then loses them all for being a horrible book. The characters are pretty standard for the genre, but not terribly likable, and the plot is woven together bits from better stories (28 Days Later most noticeably). I'm not entirely certain why I finished it. Except that my wife managed to and I think I took that to mean that it was going to get better than it ever did. So, yeah, avoid this one. Thanks Tor for nothing (this one was pretty regularly recommended during Zombie Week over there).
As part of October Horror Movie Stravaganza the sequel: Deader than Last Year we watched the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And it still holds up. It's a decent little the world is toast, thanks so much creepy pod people from Outer Space movie. And if you haven't seen it yet, why exactly is that? It's the creepy pod people isn't it?
Up next is Fright Night. And Day of the Triffids and ... well, others. I really like October.
The 10th volume of 20th Century Boys is good. It continues to unspool the story at a pace that is slightly faster than glacial, but I don't mind. It is getting a little hard to try and remember who everybody is and what was done to whom by whom, but that's ok. I like it. Waiting only sort of patiently for more.
Apparently I have a Halloween costume this year. I'm not entirely certain what to do with it. As Halloween is on Sunday I can't wear it to work, well ok, if I was working on Sunday I could. I guess maybe I'll wander to the local trunk 'r' treat or something and get some use out of it. Mostly G wants me to go around with him some as his costume complements mine. We shall see. Do not expect pictures.
Other than that, things are pretty peaceful at Casa del 'd'. We're roughly a week away from the big birthday slide that takes us through the rest of the year. I guess I should contemplate doing something about that... I'm just glad the temperature is finally starting to resemble something humane and that we're getting some rain. I even dragged lovely wife out for a brief walk in a nice little rain shower the other day. It was grand.
Oh yes, there will be pictures, lots and lots of pictures!!
love you ^_^
HA! Heather beat me to it. There better be pictures! I hardly see any of you and I need to see pictures!
I need pictures too! ;) a walk in the rain sounds nice. we don't see rain here. enjoy the b-day slide.
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