Yeah a little late and you've seen the pictures, blah, blah, blah. Blame my wife who seems not to understand the concept "flickr pool".
Managed to enjoy the week off with Dad in town. Even if we spent most of it working. Here you can see one of the boxes we built for our square foot garden. There are two. And hopefully they will provide us with lots of yummy food. We also rearranged the girls' room. Bunk beds are now single beds. And the corner of shame has been banished.
We did squeeze some fun in. Star Trek is a good show (even in spite of reboot romances... Spock?! Seriously?!). Quantum of Solace is good (pay no attention to my wife or father, they're muddled from the work and the heat). And the Aquarium is quite nice now. A really nice South American exhibit.
Managed to finish Drood by Dan Simmons. I quite liked it. I'd really like to know which parts were fiction. Well ok, a lot of it is, but there's a lot of fact in there too. Sounds like Dickens got a little strange at the end of his life, although not as strange as some of his associates. Drood tells the tale of the end of Dickens's life as seen through the eyes of his friend/collaborator/jealous adversary William "Wilkie" Collins. Pretty fascinating and a touch horrifying. And what more do you want from a summer-y novel?
How about South American adventure and jungles and spies and lost cities and madness and death? That's what The Lost City of Z, the current book I'm reading, promises. Oh and did I mention it's all true? Nice.
20th Century Boys Volume 1 is pretty good. It sounds like it's a long series, but I look forward to the chance to read it.
Well, it's hot. Even in the basement. I must go melt now. As you were.
Glad you had fun with Dad. The girl's room looks great as do the gardens. Sure wish we had more room for a couple or even one. Bond...dumb. Star Trek I'd still like to see but Larry enjoyed. Liked Taken and Valkyrie on DVD. Hot here too, pool feels great.
Ah, you suffer from confusion as well. Bond was good. Not great, but certainly good. I suspect you haven't watched Casino Royale in a while. It was a nice end cap to that movie. We'll get around to Taken and Valkyrie.
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