Friday, December 05, 2008

For my sisters (in insincerity)

Here you go. It's like a car wreck, actually, more to the point, it's like a bad relationship. I can't help but mock my poor sisters' love for Tryharderlight (and feed that addiction so I can then mock it some more). If I were feeling really abusive, I'd link to all the articles decrying the series as a step back for women's rights by something on the order of 50 years or so. But I won't, I'm not that mean. At the moment.

Mostly I'm just glad it's the weekend. And I can sleep. All weekend. Hopefully after the next 48 hours this stupid head cold will be gone. And I can return to the land of the living.


J~ said...

ummm sorry you are sick... are those dolls for real? I can honestly say I don't love the series THAT much!! Sheesh!
Now go and take your wife to see the movie.

d said...

Oh they're all too real. I envision lots of little tween girls playing dolly much like Dark Helmet in Spaceballs. "Oh Edward. Your hair... it's so... big." In fact I'm pretty sure Rachel's kids probably have them on preorder for just that reason... Hmm.

Rachel said...

Hey now! We do not have them on order but I'm sure if Kaitlyn new about them she'd want one to my dismay. Thank goodness she's too old for dolls and Kira is too young for the series.

d said...

Ah, but these are action figures. Which just means doll for grown ups. Face it, you're doomed and your house will be overrun with these little devils in a year or two. And then you can live out all the dysfunctional co-dependent relationships you want... Fun!